Free Indeed: MOPS Theme 2017-18

 MOPS 2017-2018 Theme: Free Indeed


Every year MOPS comes up with a rallying cry – a concept that will guide our entire tribe of women for the coming year. This year, we’re digging deeper into the idea of being truly free. So here it is, all the insider information on what is guiding our MOPS year.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, he has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord. Luke 4:18-19

What do you long for? What is the thing that your heart craves?
Is it possible that your deepest desire is to be free?
Free from worry.
Free from feeling stuck.
Free from hustling to be loved.
Free from a heaviness you can’t put your finger on.
Free from thinking you should be someone other than exactly who you are.
At the core, maybe what we are all longing for is to be Free Indeed.

Choosing freedom is a deeply spiritual act, one that our souls long for. That is why this year, we choose wild, unexpected freedom; the kind that brings more laughter and less worry, more contentment and less hustle. Freedom that is so contagious, the people around us are compelled toward their own liberation.

In order to unfold our wings this year, we will …


Proclaim Favor
Sometimes, especially as moms with young kids, life can sneak up on us, and we don’t realize that we have gotten stuck. Stuck in patterns of thinking or habits that are holding us captive. This is the year that changes, this is the year we will stop settling for what simply gets us by and do the work to get to what’s best. We will examine our worries and not believe everything we feel. We will bask in the freedom of living loved by understanding who God is, and who we are because of it. We will be free from

the need to hustle for our worth, and we will live in the truth that we are already loved and loveable, without all the striving. We will parent with fresh perspective and will treat ourselves with tenderness, because love is the loudest voice we hear, and it is proclaiming freedom and favor.


Proclaim Release
Sometimes we don’t take responsibility for our lives. We carry the weight of expectations, feeling out of control over the pace and trajectory of our days. Being gutsy is about realizing that you get to decide how busy you are, what you say yes to, what is best for your family and what you make a priority in your mothering. If you need to slow down your life – you can do that. If you feel like you don’t have any friends, go out and make some. This is the year of release from believing life has to look a certain way, and isn’t there so much freedom and audacity in that? The truth is, we have more authority to shape our daily lives than we think we do. Your life can match your values and your passions, it will just take some guts to make it happen.


Set Free
It is a fact that freedom is contagious. That is why we are choosing to go first in order to spark a revolution of women who are choosing freedom over fear. Going first is about being courageous enough to take steps before you are ready, to share the details of your journey, extend invitations, conquer fears, and lead the way for friends and kids and family. In fact, one of the best ways to advocate for others’ freedom is to go first ourselves, and then we can share with courage and honesty because we have found the keys that can set others free. We will go first so that we can set other captives free.

So what are you waiting for? We can’t wait to link arms with you and step into freedom together. It’s easy to become a Member. Here are the details:

MOPS Membership is just $31.95 for the entire year.

Here is a glimpse into all of the amazingness that comes with Membership:

  • An invitation to the mother-of-all mom meetups: MOPS groups. Plus your Membership helps support and encourage Global MOPS groups meeting in more than 40 countries worldwide.
  • The MOPS Magazine – Our quarterly magazine that’s a collection of sage advice, fun ideas, breathtaking photography and remarkable stories.
  • A MOPS Membership Kit – A welcome package including a mom guidebook, postcards and prints to show off MOPS love, a small jewelry item and lots of other surprises.
  • Weekly emails about what moms are talking about and exclusive downloadables from our favorite mom influencers.
Picture of MomCo Motherhood Experts

MomCo Motherhood Experts


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