Becoming a Part of the Mom Community

What does it mean to Belong?

We are those chosen to raise the next generation of the world. Moms from every corner of the world, moms with every imaginable back-story, moms making every mothering choices. Together, we are the ones raising the world.

Together. That’s the key word.

Because we know that when we mother together, we mother better.

Those little bundles of joy were placed in our arms with the unspoken charge to do whatever it takes to guide and lead and love them into the best version of life possible. They have lots of needs (especially at first). They could have any myriad of medical, mental, emotional, physical plights. Their personalities and interests could run the gamut. And yet, the expectation is the same – to help and love them into the best version of life possible.

That’s why we need each other. Sometimes we need to an ear to hear about how hard it is. Sometimes it’s the insight of someone who’s gone the path before us. Maybe it’s an extroverted friend to discuss our extrovert being raised by introverts. Or it’s the encouragement for a mom who grew up as an only child that siblings just fight sometimes, and that’s normal. It’s the mom who has been through IEPs before, and can give experienced advice when there’s a big decision to make. Or maybe we just need someone to look us in the eye and say, you’re a good mom.

Whatever the reason, that’s why we mother together here at MOPS.

Moms from every country, background or mothering choice are welcome here. Let me say that again: Moms, you are welcome here.

And not only that, you belong.

This is a community of women who understand when you feed your kids chicken nuggets for 7 meals in a row, and when you want to gush and gush and gush (and gush) over how cute your kids are, and when you have one of those stretches where you aren’t sure you like your offspring, and understand your love-hate relationship with the theme songs from the shows your kids like to watch.

You belong here.

That’s why MOPS membership exists. Because we want a way to say we’re in it together. We like to say that MOPS membership is a way to participate in a movement that is helping women around the world become leaders in their community, to feel more equipped as moms and to bring us all together to support one another.

We get that being a mom is beautiful and hard, and we get that sometimes you just need a safe place to breathe, a place to get some encouragement that what you do matters. We’ll provide that space, along with some resources and fun goodies that remind you that you are important, and that we are all in this together.

(PSSSSSST! I’ll get to the specifics of the goodies we’ll send you below!) This year, we’re talk about the courage to Be you, Bravely. We believe deeply that every person has something unique and powerful to offer the world. And we want to encourage each other in this pursuit. This video explains it best. (And PS, those shirts are available for purchase at

MOPS membership comes in two varieties

The first is in a MOPS group

A MOPS group is a group of moms in your neighborhood who meet to remind each other that we’re all in it together. If you’d like to look for groups in your area, check out this Find a Group page.

But you don’t have to be in a MOPS group

Register for membership, and we’ll zip you a welcome packet full of mommy-goodies and get you connected to the rest of our worldwide mom community.

Let’s say you want to join a MOPS group, but want your goodies before the groups start up again in the fall.

We hear you. This is exciting stuff, and you want to get going now. Well, here’s a list of ways you can start getting involved.

But more importantly, you can register yourself for membership and your group can add you to their roster later. You’ll get a jump start on all the goodies we want to send you, plus, you won’t have to miss a single issue of our gorgeous mom magazine, Hello, Darling.

Now to the goodies!

Welcome kit

• A Be you, Bravely Guidebook (to go with the video stories of people living bravely that we’ll be viewing together!)

• A Courage Key (action oriented jewelry to wear and pass on, check out The Giving Keys for more information on the concept, a $40 value)

• 3 Notecards with Be you, Bravely logos

• A Be you, Bravely print

• Free music downloads from JJ Heller and Martha’s Trouble (inside a coupon book with lots of other fun stuff!) Or maybe this video explains it all better:

The rest of the year

• Annual subscription to Hello, Darling magazine (have you seen our magazine, yet? I think you deserve a peek at one of our Spring 2014 issue of Hello, Darling.)

• Access to Let’s Talk, Darling webinars

• Free download of MOPS Date Night app

• Exclusive discount offers

• Weekly inspiring emails

If there was one thing another mom could tell you, right now, what would it be?
Picture of The Hello Dearest Team

The Hello Dearest Team


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